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Navigating and searching in Vtiger CRM

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Within vtiger CRM you can quickly find the information you are looking for. Navigate within the vtiger CRM system as you would on a website.

Do not use the browser's usual "forward arrow" and "back arrow" for navigation. In fact, using these arrows can cause problems when you want to search pages with dynamically generated content.

Instead, you use the icons and links provided by the vtiger CRM system for navigation. Any record / page within vtiger CRM can be reached with a few clicks.

Navigate within menu

Each menu is structured the same way within vtiger CRM and therefore works the same. This means that you can quickly learn how vtiger CRM works once you know the general structure.

Vtiger CRM Homepage

Depending on your chosen 'menu settings' your vtiger CRM homepage will appear after logging in. Your homepage will look similar to the image below.

Navigate and search within vtiger CRM

Vtiger CRM Homepage version 6

The vtiger CRM homepage displays the information most relevant to you in blocks. These blocks are called Widgets.

The order of these widgets can be dragged and dropped. You can also choose to customize the content of your homepage by selecting other widgets (Add Widgets function) or by changing your display preferences in the 'My Preferences' menu.

Only the data that is assigned to you is transparent to you. The vtiger CRM Administrator within your organization sets these rights and roles.

Three ways of searching within vtiger

There are three types of searches that can be performed: Standard Search (Global Search), Advanced Search (Advanced Search), and Alphabetical Search.

Standard Search (Global Search)

Powerful and easy way to find information, searching (all records within the entire vtiger CRM system. As you can see in the image below, you can use a pick list to limit your search to searching specific modules.

Global Search vtiger CRM

Standard Search (Global Search)

When you start searching you can enter a word with lowercase, uppercase and even an incomplete word. If you decide to enter multiple keywords, each word is linked to the logical AND.

Advanced Search

Advanced Search gives you as a user the possibility to create a kind of filter. You set search criteria, so that the search results meet the requirements you have entered.

You can save the Advanced Search and easily (re)use it next time.

Advanced Search vtiger CRM

(Advanced Search)

Alphabetical Search

Within each menu item you can search alphabetically. This way you can quickly look up documents that start with a specific letter or the last name of a relation.

With the three types of search methods within vtiger, you save a lot of time.