Magento shop within your website


If you can join a network of websites that already exist then you can grow quickly. Have you ever thought about offering your products and services through a large network of smaller websites? This way you can use a Magento webshop in a website of another to benefit from the total reach.

Quickly create a new site with a shop generator

For example, Vicus has combined a multi-shop platform with a smart multi-shop generator and standard templates for Sportbelangen bv. With just a few clicks, a sports club can now have a web store made specifically to match the colors of the sports club. The sports club includes this in its website and all its members can easily and quickly order online via the webshop on the club's website.

Orders are pouring in from many quarters

All orders from the different Magento webshops in the websites roll into the central administration. As a web shop owner, you don't even realize that you are processing orders from so many different websites.

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